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Legal Links
AllLaw Provides a comprehensive list of legal resources, including information on the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Provides The Wisconsin Legal Guide Database, which includes information on judges, legal articles, and a legal reference library.
Legal Explorer
Provides legal information and educational materials for the public in the State of Wisconsin.
University of Wisconsin Law Library Provides legal resource guides and electronic resources for attorneys practicing in the State of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin State Law Library Provides city codes and ordinances for most cities in the State of Wisconsin.
Online database of Wisconsin court records. Includes background checks, driving records, and more.
Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry
Monitors and tracks people convicted of sex crimes and provide access to this information for police, victims, and the general public.
Community Links
Adams County Official Website
Includes economic development reports, recreation resources, and online business directory.
Community Progress Initiative
A bold three-year program in South Wood County and the Town of Rome to create vibrant communities with prosperous local economies.
Heart of Wisconsin Business and Economic Alliance Chamber and tourism connection for the Wisconsin Rapids Area. Provides demographics, business information, and an economic profile.
Portage County Official Website
Includes county directory, ordinances, county board information, and more.
Wisconsin Rapids Directory of City Services
Provides searchable lists of city services, maps, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Wood County Official Website
Homepage of Wood Count Wisconsin. Includes realtime election results, frequented used forms, and more.
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Did you know...
A general durable power of attorney, which usually applies to financial matters, is not sufficient to appoint someone to make health care descisions for you?
Contact Alan A. Panek Law Office S.C. to appoint an agent and arrange a health care power of attorney.

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